Coffee machines are becoming a much more common accessory in hotels these days and making sure your guest can easily make themselves a cup means you need to provide them with everything they may need. Of course, the cups and coffee are there but you need to add some other condiments to make the experience whole for them. There needs to be a complete kit of items that one requires to prepare a coffee and all these items are quite essential if you think about it. This is the reason that restaurant & hotels look for coffee shop supplies to provide best experience to their guests. Typically, you would find a complete kit that includes all the accessories covered in the coffee department. You can find pre-made coffee kits that you can simply add to the coffee machine along with pods, etc. Items that you can have in your coffee kit can also be customized to cater to your style. You can look for things like stirring sticks, sweeteners, sugar packs, creamer, straws, and of course, coffee filters. Depending on your machine, some of the things may or may not be required. You must also make sure that you get each item individually and in customized packs that can meet your specific requirements. Hospitality Mama is the best place that offers best deals in coffee accessories at wholesale prices.