There is no limit to how much you can spruce up the beds in your guestrooms using accessories because the options are practically endless. The more luxurious you get, the more accessories you can find in rooms and each of these accessories adds to the experience in its own way. As for the things you should be adding, the correct way of doing it is to start with the essentials and go up as much as possible. There are different product options that you can choose from, some being standard in every hotel while others are just an addon, sometimes only for added aesthetic value. Getting bed accessories at wholesale prices is the best possible way going forward for this purpose. Your first step should be to start exploring the largest collection that you can find to make your choices. This would allow you to customize whatever you want without having to worry too much about money since you are buying bedding accessories at wholesale prices. The items you can expect to find in this category include pillow shams, duvet covers, top sheets, microfiber blanket inserts, bed skirts, throw blankets, etc. Most of these items are essential but you can go deep in terms of variety and design work involved. Try to match your overall theme with these bedding supplies while keeping things colorful